Blues Piano For Beginners: Mini-Course

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Is Blues Piano for Beginners?

Blues Piano For BeginnersYa just gotta love the Blues! It’s not surprise that people starting out playing piano are intrigued with the idea of playing blues piano. Does that include you? Then Blues Piano For Beginners is for you. Actually, many of my beginning private students have asked me if playing blues piano was a far-fetched idea for someone just starting out. My answer has always been a resounding “NO! It’s not too early!”

You see, I believe that people can learn to start playing right away without being bogged down with all that theory. Sure, it’s all those details are worth learning eventually, but let’s consider an important truth:  we all learned to start speaking before we could read or write. In other words, we quickly figured out how to communicate without knowing the “theory” of our language, right? Well, music is a language, too. Therefore, it makes sense that you ought to be able to start speaking it rather quickly.

A Few Easy Lessons Without The Theory

That’s why I created this Blues Piano For Beginners mini-course. We are not going to dive into all that theory. As a matter of fact, in your very first lesson, you are going to be playing some of those really cool sounding blues chords. By the time you get to the fourth and final lesson, you will actually being doing some easy improvisation over those chords!

How does all this sound to you? I hope you’ll join me. Blues Piano For Beginners won’t take up a whole lot of your time. Just following a few really simple concepts, you’ll be playing the Blues in no time!

Are you willing to just invest a few moments reading through some easy instructions? Would you be up for watching some short videos? Then this Blues Piano For Beginners mini-course will work for you.

Naturally, the more you apply yourself, the more confident you will get. That’s like anything else, right? Of course!

Okay, so let’s dive in. You can get started immediately by filling in this short form: