
Fun With Piano Improvisation
Using 7th Chords

Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $9.00.

Piano improvisation is the name of the game here and you’re about to amaze yourself with what really is possible on those keys with just a simple knowledge of 7th chords! If you are yet to familiarize yourself with 7th chords, this will inspire you!


An easy piano improvisation approach is explored in this video workshop. We take a look at a very simple improvisation strategy that can be used by anyone who has a familiarity of 7th chords to create some pro-sounding improvisations. If you want to improvise and know some 7th chords, this is a video session you will be able to grow with!

This is an easy approach to learning how to get a handle on piano improvisation by using the melody of any favorite standard song of yours as a starting point. Once you implement the simple strategy explained in this video session, your confidence with improvising on the piano will be at a higher level.

Also, you will find it interesting that, for demonstration purposes, we use the same four measures in this special session that we do in Sneak Peeks #1 (available here in the store). This is a terrific way to use the concept of “learning overlap” to your advantage, since it is virtually inevitable that exposure to both session will result in some “Aha!” moments for you! Learn more


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