
Sneak Peeks Complete Bundle #1-8

Original price was: $204.00.Current price is: $140.00.

Experience cocktail piano mastery! This complete bundle of Sneak Peeks #1-8 (eight sessions) will keep you busy mastering your piano creativity for a long time!


Experience cocktail piano mastery!

This complete bundle of Sneak Peeks #1-8 (eight sessions) will keep you busy mastering your piano creativity for a long time! Yes, you get all EIGHT (8) sessions. What’s included? Well, there is way too much to describe in this small space. Therefore, you can check out the description for each below:

Enjoy HUGE SAVINGS with this bundle!


Sneak Peeks #1
Sneak Peeks #2
Sneak Peeks #3
Sneak Peeks #4
Sneak Peeks #5
Sneak Peeks #6
Sneak Peeks #7
Sneak Peeks #8

“Please enjoy these sessions… I had a ball creating them!”
~ Dave


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